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发布时间:2024-10-03 12:08   浏览次数: 次   作者:开云(中国)Kaiyun·官方网站,开云(中国)Kaiyun
本文摘要:Instagram has launched a new feature designed to help users better manage their time on social media.社交媒体Instagram公布了一项新功能,协助用户更佳的控制线上社交时间。

Instagram has launched a new feature designed to help users better manage their time on social media.社交媒体Instagram公布了一项新功能,协助用户更佳的控制线上社交时间。The introduction of the Your Activity dashboard follows increased pressure on technology firms to introduce tools that tackle social media addiction.“Your Activity”这项功能的引进目的减轻科技公司要解决问题社交成瘾的压力。The new feature includes tools to set daily limits on how much time is spent on the app, as well as the ability to silence notifications.新功能还包括日常设置工具,容许在ins上的用于时间,还能关上静音功能。The Facebook-owned app, which is used by around 1 billion people around the world, wants to give its users more control over how they interact with its platform.脸书的这款应用于目前在全球内有十亿用户,脸书想要协助用户更佳的掌控平台的用于情况。

Once time limits are reached, a reminder will be sent through the app. An option to continue using the app will also be available.一旦超过限定版时间,ins就不会经常出现警告,当然,之后用于ins的选项也不会经常出现。Last year, Facebook researchers wrote a detailed blog about the potentially harmful affects social media can have on people.去年,脸书的研究人员写出了一篇详尽的博客,讲解了有关社交媒体对使用者的负面影响。In general, when people spend a lot of time passively consuming information – reading but not interacting with people – they report feeling worse afterward, the blog post stated.“一般来说,人们不心态花上大量时间读者信息而不和人恋情时,之后情绪不会陷于低谷。

”Though the causes arent clear, researchers hypothesize that reading about others online might lead to negative social comparison – and perhaps even more so than offline, since peoples posts are often more curated and flattering.“虽然原因还未知了,研究人员猜测网页其他网上的东西也不会带给负面的社会影响,远比线下相当严重得多,人与人之间的线上对话更加逢迎。”Another theory is that the internet takes people away from social engagement in person.“另外一个原因是网络让人们靠近现实社交。”The researchers cited studies involving University of Michigan students, in which people were found to be in a worse mood after using social media.研究人员借出了密歇根大学的饰演,证明拒绝接受实验中的学生在社用社交媒体后情绪都变差了。

